Wednesday, June 8, 2011

'Super 8' to Hit Theaters a Day Early in Twitter Promotion

In a maverick marketing move, Paramount is joining forces with Twitter to host nationwide sneaks of Super 8 on Thursday, a full day before the sci-fi pic officially opens in theaters.

The announcement means that Super 8 is launching a day early, albeit with a limited footprint.

Promoting previews of a Hollywood movie is a first for social media giant Twitter. Under the
partnership, Super 8 will roll out Thursday in 300 theaters, including 239 Imax locations.

To plug the advance screenings, the companies have designated the hashtag #Super8Secret, which Paramount has also sponsored as a promoted trend, allowing Twitter’s global user base a direct link to buy tickets.

Moviegoers participating in the program will be treated to a free popcorn with any concession purchase.


  1. Wow...a Free Popcorn? I bet I still have to bring my own butter or they'll charge me for it!

  2. Super 8 was my nickname in high school!
