Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Gloria Steinem: Boycott 'The Playboy Club'

She may have sported the Bunny ears herself, but Gloria Steinem is no fan of NBC's upcoming "The Playboy Club."

"It was the tackiest place on earth," Steinem told Reuters in an interview Tuesday.

"I expect that 'The Playboy Club' will be a net minus and I hope people boycott it. It's just not telling the truth about the era."  "I just know that over the years, women have called me and told me horror stories of what they experienced at the Playboy Club and at the Playboy Mansion," Steinem said.

The parents' watchdog group has been busy pressuring affiliates to refuse to broadcast the nightclub drama.

NBC execs are portraying the show as a frothy soap, but Steinem thinks it ignores the real life hardships endured by women who worked in Hefner's stable of clubs.


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