Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Stow Beating Suspects Plead Not Guilty

Louie Sanchez, 29, and Marvin Norwood, 30, pleaded not guilty today to charges of beating Bryan Stow as he and his friends left Dodger Stadium on March 31 after the team's victory over the Giants.

Deputy District Attorney Frank Santoro said in court today that "identification is no longer an issue" in the case since both defendants made "admissions" of guilt during "formal interviews" with police and in overheard jail conversations.

However, Sanchez's attorney, Gilbert Quinones, said he believed identification was still an issue and objected to Santoro's characterization of the defendants' statements as "admissions."

Also in court today, Quinones withdrew a scheduled bail-reduction motion for his client for what he said were "strategic" reasons. Both remain jailed in lieu of $500,000 bail.

Sanchez faces a maximum of nine years in prison if convicted, while Norwood would face up to eight years behind bars, according to prosecutors.

UPDATE: The D.A. has decided not to file charges against Dorene Sanchez, who was initially arrested with the two suspects in the beating of Bryan Stow. Prosecutors determined there was “insufficient evidence to prove that she was an accessory” to the beating.

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